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Prof. Ragab Khalil Ali Khalil :: Publications:

Experimental investigation of the performance of a hybrid photovoltaic/ thermal solar system using aluminium cooling plate with straight and helical channels
Authors: M.R. Salem, R.K. Ali ⇑, K.M. Elshazly
Year: 2017
Keywords: Photovoltaic Hybrid solar system Thermal and electrical efficiencies
Journal: Solar Energy
Volume: 157
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 147-156
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ragab Khalil Ali Khalil_our paper in SE with page numbers.pdf
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This paper presents a field study for the performance of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system that use aluminium cooling plate with straight and helical channels during July 2016. Three systems each of 0.37 m2 commercial poly-crystalline PV panels have been installed at the faculty of engineering at Shoubra, Benha University, Cairo, Egypt (30.1N Latitude). Two of the systems are cooled using straight and helical channels with dimensions of 10  10 mm2 and compared with the uncooled panel. The results showed that an increase in average electrical efficiency of 17.7% to 38.4% with relative to uncooled panels for flow rate range of 0.25 to 1 L/min. The corresponding average thermal efficiency increases from 31.6% to 47.2% for straight channels and 34.6% to 57.9% for helical configuration. While the corresponding average exergy efficiency increases from 11.1% to 12.9% for straight channels and 11.5% to 13.5% for helical arrangement. The associated water pumping power in both configurations does not exceed 3.3% of the converted electrical power while the increase in the obtained electrical power is of 30% with relative uncooled cell power.

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