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EFL Pre-service vs. In-service Teachers’ Perception of TPACK and Promoting its Development in EFL Instruction
Authors: Randa M. Safyeddin Kharboush
Year: 2021
Keywords: Pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, EFL instruction (EFLI), technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)
Journal: JFEB
Volume: 32
Issue: 126
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Benha Faculty of Education
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper RANDA M. SAFYEDDIN ABDELSHAFY KHARBOUSH_EFL Pre-service vs. In-service Teachers’ Perception of TPACK and Promoting its development in EFL Instruction.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study aims to use TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) framework to assess EFL pre-service versus in-service teachers’ perception of technology integration in EFL instruction and promote its development among pre-service ones. For collecting quantitative data, a total of 84 pre-service teachers enrolled in the English section at Benha Faculty of Education, and 41 in-service EFL teachers were asked to anonymously complete the TPACK Scale. Quantitative data analysis indicated significant differences between the two groups; as EFL pre-service teachers scored higher in TK and marginally better in TCK domain, meanwhile, EFL in-service teachers significantly surpassed in their PK, CK, TPK, and PCK. There was no significant difference between the two groups in TPACK sub-domain of the scale. The qualitative study engaged 18 EFL pre-service teachers, recruited to explore the use of TPACK in the EFL classroom during teaching practice. The participants attended three preliminary sessions in which they were introduced to TPACK framework and instructional designs based on its model. They practiced using TPACK-oriented instructional designs with their peers in micro-teaching sessions. Results of qualitative data analysis revealed that the participants benefited from applying TPACK framework to improve the quality of EFL instruction in their teaching practices. These findings promote understanding TPACK framework and its based instruction among EFL pre-service teachers, suggesting the integration of TPACK into the current teacher education programs and stimulating a technologically rich environment to promote quality EFL instruction.

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