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Dr. Rania Said Moawad Eid :: Publications:

Influence of Seeds Soaking with Benzyladenine, Paclobutrazol, Algae Extract, Some Mineral Nutrients and Lithovit on Seeds Germination and Seedling Growth of Moringa olifera Plant.
Authors: Abd El-Dayem, H. M.; Faten H. M. Ismaeil; Abd El-Aal, M. M. M. and Rania S. M. Eid
Year: 2021
Keywords: moringa, benzyl adenine, paclobutrazol, algae extract, lithovit and seed germination.
Journal: 5th International Conference on Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture (ICBAA), Benha University, Hurghada, Egypt
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 179- 187
Publisher: 8-11 April
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Rania Said Moawad Eid_1 PB HOSNY M. Abd El-Dayem ICBAA 2020 179-188.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Two laboratory experiments were conducted out at Agricultural Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University , Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt, during two successive seasons of 2016 and 2017. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of soaking of seed with benzyl adenine (BA) at (25, 50 and 100 mgl-1), paclobutrazol (PP333 at (5, 10 and 20 mgl-1), algae extract at (5,10 and 20 ml-1), mineral nutrients (Ca, Mg and Fe chelated) at 500 mgl-1 and treatment of lithovit at 500 mgl-1 on seed germination (percentage, rate) and seedling growth of Moringa oleifera plant. The obtained results reported that seed soaking with benzyl adenine (BA) at different tested concentrations enhanced seed germination and seedlings growth traits during the two seasons of study. Also, soaking seeds in 100 mgl-1 benzyl adenine (BA) reflected the highest values of seed germination (rate and percentage) as well as growth of seedling measurements i.e., The radical and plumule lengths at 7, 10 and 13 days from soaking and absolute growth rate of root and stem after 10 and 13 days of seed treating followed by using lithovit at 500 mgl1, Algae extract at 20 mll-1, benzyl adenine (BA) at 50 mgl-1., mineral elements at 500 mgl-1 and benzyl adenine the at the lowest concentration i.e., 25 mgl-1 in descending order. On contrary, germination of seeds and seedlings growth traits were significantly decreased with paclobutrazol treatments in both seasons compared with the control treatment.

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