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Prof. Rasha Abd El-Hamid ElSabagh :: Publications:

Protective Effects of Ascorbic Acid and Garlic Oil against Toxic Effects induced by Sodium Nitrite as Meat Additive in Male Rats.
Authors: Reham A. Amin, Rasha A. Elsabagh and Aziza Amin
Year: 2016
Keywords: Garlic Oil, Nitrite. Meat, Ascorbic acid
Journal: Global Veterinarian
Volume: 16
Issue: 6
Pages: 508-524
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Sodium nitrite has been widely used for decades as a meat additive for preservation of meat products. The present study investigated the protective role of ascorbic acid and garlic oil 2% against toxic hematological, serological and histopathological effects of sodium nitrite used as meat additive in manufacturing of kofta fed to male albino rats. Manually processed kofta supplemented with different concentrations of nitrite and ascorbic acid was fed to male rats for 30 days. Control group received manually processed kofta without any additives. There was significant decrease in RBCs count, HG content and some hematological parameters revealing anemia, as well as significant increase in AST, ALT, urea and creatinine levels was detected due to nitrite consumption. On the other hand, ascorbic acid and garlic oil ameliorated to a high extent, the anemia and liver and kidney dysfunctions as evidenced by significant increase of RBCs count, HG content and some hematological parameters and significant decrease of AST, ALT, urea and creatinine levels. Histopathologically, edema and necrosis of kidneys, necrobiotic changes in brain, necrosis of liver, lymphoid depletion, hemorrhage of spleen, intermuscular hemorrhage with degeneration of cardiac muscles, consolidation of pulmonary alveoli in association with desquamation of intestinal villi and gastric mucosa were observed due to nitrite consumption. Histopathological changes were reduced due to addition of ascorbic acid and garlic oil. Consequently, using ascorbic acid and garlic oil alleviated the toxic hematological, serological and histopathological effects of sodium nitrite, but garlic oil was shown to ameliorate and correct such parameters close to the normal levels. In conclusion, garlic oil showed greater protective effect than ascorbic acid against nitrite toxicity.

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