Comparison of Antibacterial Activity of Fungal Chitosan and Some Preservatives Against Some Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria
R.A.1, Zaghloul, H.E., Abou-Aly, T.M., El-Housseiny, G.A.2 Ghonaimy* and Ashry, Noha, M. Fac. Agric., Moshtohor, Benha University and *Food Techn. Res. Inst. (FTRI), Agric.Res. Center (ARC) , Cairo, Egypt.
NTIBACTERIAL activity of chitosan, sodium nitrite and ………sodium benzoate were studied by disc diffusion assay. Inhibition percentage, minimal inhibitory concentration and effect of MIC of chitosan on the survival of pathogenic bacterial strains were compared. Results showed that chitosan, sodium benzoate and sodium nitrite exhibited antibacterial activity against all the tested pathogens, namely E. coli, S. typhimurium, B. cereus and Staph. aureus. Inhibition of all strains increased with increasing concentrations of fungal chitosan and preservative. |