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Dr. Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of administration of oral glucose solution on pain reduction in neonates undergoing venipuncture procedure
Authors: Not Available
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
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Oral glucose solution has a valuable role in reducing procedural pain for neonates and it is safe and effective for neonates who experience minor invasive procedures. So, this study aimed to assess the level of pain between neonates during venipuncture procedure and to evaluate the effect of oral glucose solution administration on pain reduction in neonates during venipuncture procedure. The study settings: This study was conducted at Neonatal Intensive Care Units affiliated to Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital. The study sample: A convenient sample of 60 neonates who were undergoing venipuncture procedure at NICUs were included from the previously mentioned settings. Tools of data collection included a structured interview questionnaire sheet to collect data about characteristics of neonates at NICUs and three Likert scales to assess neonatal pain during venipuncture procedure. The results: This study revealed that, the majority of the study group pre-intervention had moderate to severe pain during venipuncture procedure; while the majority of them had no pain post intervention. Meanwhile, the majority of the control group had moderate to severe pain. The study concluded that neonates who were received oral glucose solution (25%) experience less pain during venipuncture procedures than those who didn't receive. The study recommended: The importance of training the nurses working at NICU to assess neonates for pain during minor procedures and emphasize the using of oral glucose solution as considered one of the non-pharmacologic pain-reduction methods for neonates undergoing minor painful procedure at NICUs.

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