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Dr. Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed :: Publications:

Nursing Care Adherence regarding Management of Oral Mucositis in Children Undergoing Oncology Therapy
Authors: Samah Mostafa Khalaf, Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed , Samia.A.Elnagar
Year: 2020
Keywords: Nursing Care adherence, Oral Mucositis, Children & Oncology Therapy.
Journal: International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 263-279
Publisher: Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed_null2.pdf
Supplementary materials Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed_null2.pdf

Oral mucositis is described as one of the most common distressing symptoms reported by pediatric oncology patients and nurses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the nursing care adherence regarding management of oral mucositis in children undergoing oncology therapy. Research design: A quasi experimental study was used. Settings: The study was conducted at Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital and National Cancer Institute in Cairo. Sample: A Convenient sample of nurses (n=57) and purposive sample of children undergoing oncology therapy (n=140) were included from the above mentioned settings. Those children were divided equally into two groups (study and control) (n=70) in each group. Tools of data collection: Four tools were used; tool I; a structured questionnaire format; it consisted of 3 parts. Part 1: personal characteristics of the studied nurses, Part 2: Personal characteristics and medical data of the studied children, Part 3: nurses’ knowledge regarding cancer and related concepts, oral mucositis and oral care in children undergoing oncology therapy. Tool II; An observational checklist to assess nurses’ practice towards children undergoing oncology therapy. Tool III: Oral Assessment Guide (OAG) scale to assess oral condition in children undergoing oncology therapy. Tool IV; The combined Children’s International Mucositis Evaluation Scale (ChIMES) and the World Health Organization (WHO) oral mucositis scale. Results: There was a statistical significant improvement in nurses’ knowledge and practices pre nursing care adherence implementation compared with post implementation. The study group had improved symptoms regarding oral mucositis in the first, second and third weeks after implementation of nursing care adherence compared with the control group who received routine nursing care. Conclusion: This study concluded that nursing care adherence had a positive effect on the improvement of nurses' knowledge and practice about caring of children undergoing oncology therapy; as well as improvement of oral condition in children in the study group undergoing oncology therapy compared with the control group. Recommendation: The study recommended that continuous educational programs regarding caring nursing management of oncology therapy related complications in children. Also, continuous training sessions for nurses to improve and update their oral care knowledge and practice. Future, observational studies aiming to improve the overall management of oral mucositis should be conducted.

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