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Dr. Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of Play Intervention on Anxiety and Vital Signs in Children during Preoperative Period
Authors: Rawia Abd Elghany Mohamed,Naglaa Fathi Elattar
Year: 2019
Keywords: Play intervention, anxiety, vital signs, children, preoperative period.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed_null3.pdf
Supplementary materials Rawia Abd Elghny Mohamed_null3.pdf

Background: The preoperative period is stressful for many children undergoing surgery. So, play intervention can be used for preparation of child for surgery and it is considered pleasurable and enjoyable aspect of child's life. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of play intervention on anxiety and vital signs in children during preoperative period. Settings: This study was conducted at surgical units and the operating rooms affiliated to Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital and Benha Univesity Hospital at Benha city to collect the study data. Sample: A purposive random sample of (66) children during the preoperative period from the previously mentioned settings at Benha City. Tools of data collection: It was included three tools; an interviewing questionnaire sheet to collect data, it included children’s characteristics at surgical units(tool I), vital signs record sheet (tool II) and The modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS) to assess the level of anxiety in the studied children during the preoperative period (tool III). The results: The study results revealed that anxiety score was lower significantly in the study group during preoperative period than in the control group. The study concluded that play intervention had significantly effective way in reducing anxiety in children during preoperative period. The study recommended: The importance of using play intervention at preoperative period and emphasize the using of play materials used to reduce anxiety in children.

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