The present investigation was earned out to evaluate the efficiency of 3 neem seed extract formulations (Neemazal T., T/S and T/O), as well as dill and coriander extracts in controlling Varroa mite, Varroa Jacobsoni Oud. Infesting honeybee colonies in the apiary of Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Zagazig University during 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 seasons. Obtained results could be summarized as follow:
1) Rate of Reduction in Percent Varroa Mite Infestation:
- All the tested extracts caused marked reduction in the rate of the mite infestation that ranged between 48.9 - 56.4% and 49 - 62.6% in the two seasons, respectively.
- Neemazal T proved to be the least effective formulation in both seasons inducing 48.9 and 49% reduction in percent mite infestation, meanwhile Neemazal T/O and coriander extract proved to be the most potent in the two seasons, respectively, recording 56.4 and 62.6 % reduction in the mite infestations.
- Neemazal T, NT/S and NT/O were more effective in September cycle. On the other hand, dill and coriander caused the highest percent reduction in March and December cycles, recording 61.0 and 66.7%, respectively.
2) Number of Fallen Mites:
- All the tested extracts/formulations induced significant increase in the number of fallen Varroa mites. The highest numbers(1743 and 1466 mites) were recorded with NT/S in 1999/2000 and with N/T in 1998/1999 season.
- The lower concentration of neem seed extract formulations (NT. NT/S, NT/O) and the higher concentration of dill and coriander extracts induced the highest number of fallen mites.
- The number of captured mites were relatively higher in September and December cycles than those of June and March ones in both seasons of study.