Background: Enlarged facial pores and seborrhea are common cosmetic problems.
Mesobotox has been proved to be effective safe therapeutic option.
Objective: To compare the efficacy and longevity of intradermal mesobotox injection
versus its topical application with microneedling for treatment of wide facial pores
and seborrhea.
Materials and Methods: This split face study was conducted on 20 patients with enlarged
facial pores and seborrhea. One side of the face was treated with intradermal
injection of botulinum toxin, the other was treated with its topical application
following microneedling. Patient evaluation was performed after 1 month then after
4 months.
Conclusion: Microbotox can effectively and safely minimize enlarged facial pores
with no downtime. Intradermal injection showed more patient satisfaction on the
basis of greater efficacy, longevity of treatment than its topical application following
microneedling. |