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Dr. Rehab Mohamed Rashad :: Publications:

Distributive Leadership Practice and Managerial Knowledge Sharing among Nurse Managers: A mediator for Innovative Work Behavior among Nurses
Authors: Rehab, M., Rashad (1), Marwa, H., Ageiz(2)
Year: 2021
Keywords: Distributive leadership practice, innovative work behavior, managerial knowledge sharing, nurses, and nurse managers
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Rehab, M., Rashad
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Rehab Mohamed Rashad_4.pdf
Supplementary materials Rehab Mohamed Rashad_4.pdf

Distributive leadership practice based mainly on engaging experiences, skills and knowledge of those who are expert in different functional levels, thus, encouraging professionals to utilize their acquired knowledge and skills to develop new ways of working creatively. Aim: The current study aimed to determine the level of distributive leadership practice and managerial knowledge sharing from the nurse managers’ perspective and whether its relations to innovative work behavior of the nurses. Design: Descriptive, correlational research design was used. Setting: All inpatient units (39 units) in Benha Hospital, Qalubia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects: All the nurse managers (n=63) and a convenience sample of the nurses working at the selected inpatient units at the hospital (no=172). Tools: 3 tools used for data collection: Distributive leadership practices Questionnaire, Managerial Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire, and Innovative Work Behavior Inventory

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