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Dr. Rehab Mohamed Rashad :: Publications:

Nursing Management Staff' Talent and Creativity practices and its Relation with Organizational Development and Excellence
Authors: Hoda A. El-Guindy1, Rady Mubarak Ahmed2, Rehab Mohamed Rashad Ebrahim3
Year: 2022
Keywords: Creativity Practices, Nursing Management Staff, Organizational Development, Organizational Excellence, Role, Talent Management Practices.
Journal: International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Rehab Mohamed Rashad Ebrahim3
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Rehab Mohamed Rashad_7.pdf
Supplementary materials Rehab Mohamed Rashad_7.pdf

In today's competitive world, talent management and creativity practices are critical to the survival and success of employees and achieving organizational excellence and development especially in the era of global growth, great demand and limited supply of human resources. Aim: To investigate the nursing management staff' talent and creativity practices and its relation with organizational development and excellence. Research Design: Descriptive correlational research design has been used. Setting: The study was conducted at all units of Beni-Suef University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects and Methods: The study was conducted on all the nursing management staff (n= 52) using four data collection tools; I- talent management activities questionnaire, II- creativity observation checklist tool, III= organizational development questionnaire and IV-organizational excellence questionnaire. Results: The majority of subjects (86.54%) reported unsatisfactory level of talent management practices, more than two thirds (67.30%) of subjects had poor levels of creativity practices, more than three quarters (78.30%) of them reported low perception of organizational development, and the majority of subjects (94.23%) reported low perception levels of organizational excellence. Conclusion: There was a strong positive correlation between talent management practices, creativity practices, organizational development and organizational excellence

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