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Dr. Rehab Mohamed Rashad :: Publications:

Effect of Applying SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking on Senior Nursing Students’ Clinical Judgment Skills
Authors: Heba Kamal Obied1, Rehab Mohamed Rashad Ebrahim2, Monera B. Elshemy3 & Rehab Abou Shaheen4
Year: 2024
Keywords: Clinical Judgment Skills, Creative Thinking, SCAMPER Technique & Senior Nursing Students
Journal: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Volume: 12
Issue: 41
Pages: 215-222
Publisher: Rehab Mohamed Rashad Ebrahim2
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Rehab Mohamed Rashad_8 .pdf
Supplementary materials Rehab Mohamed Rashad_8 .pdf

Applying strategies to develop nursing students’ creative thinking to manage clinically challenging situations is the prime role of nursing education to support their decision-making and clinical judgment skills. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of applying SCAMPER technique for creative thinking on senior nursing students’ clinical judgment skills. Setting: The study was conducted at Tanta University- Faculty of Nursing. Subjects: (300) senior nursing students. Tools: Three tools were used SCAMPER Technique and Clinical Judgment Knowledge Questionnaire, SCAMPER Technique Checklist and Lasater’s Clinical Judgment Rubric. Results: 73.3% of the experimental senior nursing students had a low knowledge level regarding SCAMPER per-intervention, but 73.3% had high level post-intervention. Also 96.0% had unsatisfactory level of practicing creative thinking at pre-intervention, and post-intervention 92.7% had satisfactory level. Pre-intervention 85.3% of the experimental senior nursing students had a low clinical judgment knowledge level and post-intervention 56.0% had high level. Also 96.1% of the experimental senior nursing students’ fall in the beginning stage of practicing clinical judgment pre-intervention, but post–intervention 42.8% fall in accomplished stage. Conclusion: Applying SCAMPER technique enhanced senior nursing students’ clinical judgment. Recommendations: Nursing faculties need to integrate knowledgebase about creative thinking and clinical judgment in the undergraduate curricula to enhance students’ creativity and improve autonomous nursing interventions.

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