You are in:Home/Publications/تفسير علمي لمرض أيوب «عليه السلام» والأمراض المشابهة A Scientific Explanation of the prophet Ayoub’s Disease and Similar Diseases

Dr. Roubi Abdelsattar Roubi Nasr Zaied :: Publications:

تفسير علمي لمرض أيوب «عليه السلام» والأمراض المشابهة A Scientific Explanation of the prophet Ayoub’s Disease and Similar Diseases
Authors: Roubi A.Zaied
Year: 2016
Keywords: Ayoub's illness, Nature of Jinn and devils, The Ozone hole, Tingling of jinn, The plague
Journal: Journal of the North for Basic and Applied Sciences (JNBAS)
Volume: 1
Issue: 2
Pages: 103-118
Publisher: Northern Border University
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Roubi Abdelsattar Roubi Nasr Zaied_Ayoub Diesis.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper addresses a scientific view of the disease and treatment reality of the prophet Ayoub (Peace Be Upon Him) that is mentioned in Qur’an that means: “And remember Our servant Ayoub, when he called to his Lord: Indeed, Satan has touched me with hardship and torment (41) Strike with your foot; this is a cool bath and drink (42)” Surat Saad. The study addresses his disease definition and the treatment. Authenticated prophetic narrations has revealed that some illnesses are caused to humans by demons of the jinn. Through material, energy and medical sciences and pathology, these illnesses can be classified as functional diseases. It was shown that the Ozone hole might be mensioned in Qur’n in verse 90 of surat Alkahf. Search has led to that Ayoub’s disease was caused by a prickle of a jinni demon that corrupted the cells function. Thus, several types of cancer and diabetes can be explained in the light of the prophetic talk “Destruction of my Ummah is by prickle and plague, it was said: O Messenger of Allah, this prickle may we knew, what the plague? He said: tingling by your enemies of jinn and each is martyrdom”. Striking with his foot, that Ayoub (PBUH) was commanded, can be explained as rehabilitation or physical therapy. He was commanded to do so a sign of healing or to activate his blood circulation and readiness to endure the cold water. It has been revealed that bathing with cold or even iced water is generally useful for the human body, while drinking cold or iced water varies depending on the circumstances and Allah knows best.

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