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Dr. Saadia Hamed Aly :: Publications:

Inductive role of the brown alga Sargassum polycystum on growth and biosynthesis of imperative metabolites and antioxidants of two crop plants.
Authors: Soha Mohammed, Mostafa M. El-Sheekh, Saadia Hamed Aly, Maha Al-Harbi, Amr Elkelish and Aziza Nagah
Year: 2023
Keywords: animal nutrition; antioxidants; biostimulation; polysaccharides; seaweeds; soil health.
Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science
Volume: 14
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The potential of macroalgae as biostimulants in agriculture was proved worthy. Vicia faba and Helianthus annuus are socioeconomic crops owing to their increasing demand worldwide. In this work, we investigated the energetic role of seed presoaking and irrigation by the brown seaweed, Sargassum polycystum aqueous extract (SAE) on certain germination and growth traits, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates, phenolics, flavonoids, and the total antioxidant activity. Compared to the control plants, our consequences revealed that seeds that received the SAE improved all the germination and growth criteria for both crop plants. Furthermore, the SAE significantly increased the carotenoids, total photosynthetic pigments, and total carbohydrates by (14%, 7%, and 41%) for V. faba and (17%, 17%, and 38%) for H. annuus, respectively. Phenolics and flavonoids were significantly induced in Vicia but slightly promoted in Helianthu plants, whereas the total antioxidant activity in both crops non significantly elevated. Even though The NPK contents were significantly stimulated by the SAE in Vicia plants, the effect was different in Helianthus, where only nitrogen content was significantly enhanced, whereas phosphorus and potassium showed little enhancement. Thus, the SAE treatment is one of the superlative sustainable strategies for food, feed, and as excellent plant conditioner.

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