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Prof. Saad Sharawy Ali Sharawy :: Publications:

Antigenic relatedness of FMD serotypes O and A local Egyptian isolate with vaccinal strains in the local commercial and imported vaccines.
Authors: Gabr. F. El-Bagoury1 , Saad. S.A Sharawi1 , Ehab. M. El-Nahas1 , Darwish. M. Darwish2 , Mohammed. A. Saad.2
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Saad Sharawy Ali Sharawy_2015-15.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious and economically devastating viral disease of clovenhoofed animals. In Egypt, the local commercial (trivalent O Panasia-2/A Iran-05/ SAT2/EGY-A-2012) and imported (trivalent O Manisa /A Iran-05/ SAT2/EGY-A-2012) inactivated vaccines were used for rapid control of the disease. Our study aimed to determine the antigenic relatedness (R-value) of FMD virus serotypes O and A local Egyptian isolate with vaccinal strains in the local commercial and imported vaccines using serum neutralization test (SNT). At 28th day post vaccination with either local commercial or imported vaccines, the calculated R-values for O/EGY-4-2012 were 0.84 with O Panasia-2 in local commercial vaccine and 0.65 with O Manisa in imported vaccine. A/EGY/1/2012 showed R-value 0.78 and 0.72 with A Iran-05 in local commercial and imported vaccines respectively. In conclusion, FMD virus Egyptian isolates O and A was antigenically similar to that of vaccinal strains in local commercial and imported vaccines, which provide good protection.

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