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Prof. Sabah Said Mohamed Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of Educational Program regarding Drug Calculation and Administration on Nurse's Knowledge, Skills and Commitment
Authors: *Fawzia F. Kamel &** Sabah S. Mohammed
Year: 2014
Keywords: Drug calculation, administration, nursing skills, Knowledge, commitment, medication errors
Journal: Egyptian journal of health care
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 143-161
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Sabah Said Mohammed_Effect of Educational Program regarding Drug Calculation and Administration on Nurse.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Nursing responsibilities in medication management include prescription, calculation, constitution, checking, administration, patient assessment, documentation and patient medication education. Aim: the study aimed to evaluate the effect educational program regarding drug calculation and administration on nurse's knowledge, skills and commitment. Setting: The study was carried out at general surgical and medical departments in Benha University Hospital. Research design: A Quasi experimental design was used. Sample: convenience sample composed of 103 head nurses and staff nurses working at general surgical and medical units. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection; Drug calculation questionnaire which includes demographic characteristics of study subjects, drug calculation and observational checklist for nurses' commitment. Result: Most of subjects (91.3%) had nursing diploma. Less than three quarters (70.9%) had 1-10 years of experience. Post program; Most of nurses (91.3%) applied formula methods in drug calculation. Regarding nurses' commitment toward drug calculation and administration, there was an improvement in nurses' post program mean scores commitment (78.33+2.21). Positive correlation coefficient was detected among nurses' knowledge, skills, and commitment toward drug calculation and administration. Conclusion: The study concluded that there were statistically significant differences between pre and post program and there were improvements in nurses' knowledge, skills and commitment toward drug calculation and administration. Recommendations: The study recommended that nurses should continue to practice and refresh the different formula types of drug calculations as often as possible with regular self- test of their ability. Further researches should be conducted to detect the relation between drug calculation skills and medication errors.

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