Background: Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is the latest global pandemic which
impose an occupational risk to health care personnel, that can lead to deficit in performance and
work engagement which as a key tool for patients' safety. Aim: The study aimed to assess the
effect of educational program about COVID-19 on intern-nurses' performance and work
engagement. Design: A quasi-experimental research design with pre- post test was used to
conduct this study. Setting: The study was carried out in the different departments where
intern-nurses were trained on their clinical training areas at Benha University Hospital,
Qaluobia Governate, Egypt. Sample: Simple random sample of the intern-nurses. Tools of
data collection: four tools were used as the following: (1) Intern-nurses' COVID-19 knowledge
questionnaire, (2) Intern-nurses' observational checklist, (3) Intern-nurses' attitude
questionnaire, and (4) Intern-nurses' work engagement questionnaire. Result: About 34.4% of
intern-nurses' had adequate knowledge in pre-program while after implementation of the
program it was increased to 94.4% & in follow-up as 92.2%. Regarding to compliance of
performance 40% of them had satisfactory level of performance in pre-program while in the
immediate post and follow-up it was increased to 90% & 87.8% respectively. Regarding to the
attitude 37.8% of inter-nurses had positive attitude in pre-program which changed to 86.7% &
82.2% at both post and follow-up phases. Concerning work engagement 18.9% of them had
high work engagement in pre-program while increased to 85.6% & 80% at both immediate post
and follow up the program respectively. Conclusion: The implementation of the educational
program leads to improve in the intern-nurses' knowledge, performance and attitude about
COVID-19 and also had a positive effect on their work engagement, moreover there were
statistically significant positive correlation between study subject’ COVID-19 knowledge,
performance and attitude scores with their work engagement scores. Recommendation:
Working continuously to expand the intern-nurses' performance set to provide safe patients'
care and motivate them to be more engaged. |