This study was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Sida Agricultural
Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt, during 2007/2008.200812009
and 200912010 seasons. The objective of this study was: to estimate the efficiency of
pedigree, modified bulk and single seed descent methods in two bread wheat
populations. The final evaluation of the F5 generation was done durIng 2009/2010
season, The selected lines were sown In the nested design with three replications.
The efficiency of the breeding methods was evaluated on the basis of the following
parameters: mean performance results In the first cross indicated that, the differences
between breeding methods. The pedigree method expressed significant deswable
values for number of spikes per plant. 1000-kernel weight. number of kernels/spike
and grain yield/plant than those bulk and SSO method, The pedigree method
produced consistently more superior lines for grain yield/plant compared to the best
parent and the two checks (Sidsi & Sidsl2)or the average. The best lines were
number 16 (45.80g) . no. 14 (4322g) number 15 (35.67g) , no. 5(35.55g) and no. 13 (
34.96g) in pedigree method and no. 6{39.52g) in bulk method. For number of
Spikes/plant the results Indicated the pedigree method produced more superior lines
followed by bulk and then by SSO over lines with 2. 12.14 and 16:14 and Zero lines.
respectively. Regarding to 1000-kernel/weight, 2,3,5,8,10.13,18 and 19; 5: and 2
lines showed, significant overlines for pedigree, bulk and SSO methods, respectively.
For number of kernels/spike, one line showed significant high .The lines number 1, 16,
and 17 in pedigree breeding method and the line number I and 10 In bulk method
gave the highest number of kernels/spike. The mean squares foi- breeding methods in
the second cross were significant for yield and its components. The pedigree method
gave the highest values for grain yield/plant, number of spikes per plant and number
of kernels per spike. While the bulk method gave the highest value for 1000-kernel
weight. While, SSO method exhمbited significantly higher fon 000-Kernel weight and
number of kernels per spike. The pedigree method produced consistently more
superior lines compared to the best parent and two cheeks (Sidsi & Siًsl2)or the
average population with no. 7, no.8 .no. 12, no.13 and no.16; no.3, no.5, no.10 and
no.15; no. 9 and no.20 for pedigree, bulk and SSO. respectively. The best lines were
number 7 (38.30g), no.8 (4823g) .no. 12(40.50g),no.13(37.48g) and number 16
(40.71g) m pedigree method. |