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Ass. Lect. Saber Ragab Abd Allah :: Publications:

Experimental study for thermal regulation of photovoltaic panels using saturated zeolite with water
Authors: Saber Ragab Abdallah, Hind Saidani-Scott, Jorge Benedic
Year: 2019
Keywords: Solar panelsCoolingMaterialsZeoliteSaturated
Journal: Solar Energy
Volume: Volume 188,
Issue: August 2019,
Pages: Pages 464-474
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
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This paper presents a novel experimental work for cooling photovoltaic panels using water saturated zeolite/activated alumina. Different system configurations, with 4 different zeolite thicknesses, were tested indoor. Moreover, the zeolite was tested with different added components (fins and metal mesh/particles) for enhancing the system performance. Three different radiations intensities were set for a period of 6 h and the results were compared with the uncooled system. The experimental results showed a significant solar panels temperature reduction of approximately 14.9 °C and 9 °C for radiation intensities of 600 and 1000 W/m2 respectively. The expected electrical efficiency, according to this temperature reduction, was calculated and an average enhancement of 10% and 7% at radiation of 600 and 1000 W/m2 intensity respectively was estimated.

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