The study was carried out to distinct the effect of foliar application of
zinc sulphate (Zero.0.4% and 0.8%) on four new pure lines of faba bean as well
as the check variety i.c (Shebeen El-Koom I. Moshiohor 5.8.40 and Gua 3)
The characters studied were plant height (cm). number of branches/plant.
numbcr of pods/plant. number of seeds/pod and per plaid. weight of pods/plain
(g). weight of 1(X) seed (g). weight of seeds/plant (g) and seed yicld/(kg/fcd)
Tite results indicated thىat there wcrc sigiuficaiui difTcrcnccs between
foliar application of zinc sulphate treatments in all trails studied in the first
season, the second season asid the combined aitalysis except number of
branches/plant and muinbcr of seeds/pod in the first season only
The differences among genotypes were sigmficaiii for all the siudicd
traits iii separate season as well as the combined analysis except number of
seeds? pod, number of seeds/plant and weight of secds/piaiut in the first season.
plant height, number of branches/plant. number of pOds/plant. number of sceds/
plant. weight of pods / plant. 100-seed weight and weight of seeds/plain n (he
second season and number of branches/plant. 100-seeds weight and weight of
seeds / plant in the combined analysis The highest mean value for seed yield/fed
were was recorded by 03 followed by Moshtohor 5 without significant in
separate season and the combined analysis.
Insignificant effect of inscraction between genotypes and foliar
application of ziiuc sulphate was detected for all trails except number of
seeds/plant, weight of pods/plant and seed yield/fed in the combined analysis
The highest seed yield/fed was obtained from Moshiohor 5 ىhcn plants received
0.8% foliar ،inc application
Significant positive pheiiotypic correlation values were detected
between seed yield/fed and each of other traits in tite combined analysis