You are in:Home/Publications/Performance of three maize hybrids under spraying with zinc and nitrogen fertilization. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor. 44 (3): 887-897.

Prof. Sadiek Abd El-Aziz Sadiek Mehasen :: Publications:

Performance of three maize hybrids under spraying with zinc and nitrogen fertilization. Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor. 44 (3): 887-897.
Authors: Mehasen, S. A. S. and N. A. Saeed
Year: 2006
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Sadiek Abd El-Aziz Sadiek Mehasen_Dr.Sadiek-p21.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The study was carried out at the Agricultural Research and Experimental Center of the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, to determine the effect of foliar application of zinc sulphate (zero, 0.4%) and four nitrogen fertilizer levels(60, 90, 120 and 150 kg/fed) on growth, yield and yield components for three maize hybrids (T.W.C.310, S.C.122 and S.C.155 Yellow). The important results which were obtained from this study were as follows: The varietal differences were significant in all agronomic growth characters, ear characters, yield and yield components in combined analysis except ear diameter, number of kernels/row and 100-kernel weight.S.C.122 gave the highest values of ear height, leaf area topmost ear, number of ears/plant, ear length, weight of kernels/ear, grain yield/plant and grain yield/fed as compared with T.W.C.310 and S.C. 155Y. Zinc application as spray resulted in significant increases in plant height, ear height, leaf area topmost ear, number of ears/plant, ear length, weight of kernels/ear, grain yield per plant and fed in the combined analysis. Applying of 120 or 150 kg N/fed caused increased significantly all growth characters, ear characters, yield and yield components in the combined analysis except number of rows/ear and shelling percentage more than 60 or 90 kg N/fed. The interaction between maize hybrids and spraying of zinc significantly affected ear height, ear length and grain yield/fed. Interaction between maize hybrids and nitrogen fertilizer levels significantly affected plant height, ear height, stem diameter, weight of kernels/ear and grain yield/fed. Interaction between spraying of zinc and nitrogen fertilizer levels significantly affected ear height and grain yield/fed in the combined analysis. It could be concluded that under the conditions of the experiment, S.C.122 supplied with120or150 kg N/fed and spraying of zinc gave the highest grain yield/fed.

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