Cardiopulmonary resuscitation one of the most emergency management ,the nurse has a pivotal role and should be highly qualified in performing this procedures. The aim of the study is to assess performance of nurses during Cardio pulmonary resuscitation for patient with cardiac arrest In Intensive Care Unit and Cardiac Care Unit in Benha university Hospital. to answer the question ; what are the most common area of satisfactory and area of neglection in nurse's performance during Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation? The sample contain 53 staff nurses, working in Intensive care unit & cardiac care unit at Benha University Hospital. The tools of data collection were structured of questionnaire sheet and observational cheek list. The result showed that Unsatisfactory performance between nurses in both units. The study concluded that all nurses need to improve their performance during cardiopulmonary resuscitation for patient with cardiac arrest . The study recommended that they had satisfactory theoretical knowledge and clinical application of cardiopulmonary resuscitation part should be taught together , to facilitate learning, Continuous evaluation of nurses' knowledge and performance is essential to identify nurses' needs.