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Dr. sahar M. Abo El Wafa :: Publications:

Pattern of Acute Corrosives Poisoning at Poisoning Control Unit: A One Year Retrospective Clinical Study.
Authors: Ali NEM and Abo El Wafa SM
Year: 2020
Keywords: Keywords: Corrosives, Gastrointestinal and respiratory manifestations, Retrospective study, Poison control center and Benha.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper sahar M. Abo El Wafa_corrosives.pdf
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Introduction: Acute corrosive poisoning is considered a major problem in clinical toxicology all over the world including Egypt as a result of their availability and easy accessibility. Aim of the work: To study and evaluate the hazardous effects of corrosive substances through retrospective study of the acute corrosive poisoning. Materials and methods: All acute corrosive poisoned patients who are admitted to Benha Poisoning Control Unit, Benha University Hospitals, Egypt, from 1st February 2018 to 31th January 2019 were included in the study. All demographic and clinical data were collected and analyzed. Results: Out of 2570 intoxicated cases, 245 cases (9.5%) were due to corrosives exposure, 67.8% were below the age of ten, 61.2% were males , 77.1% were unmarried and 58% came from rural areas. The majority of intoxication were during summer months (48.2%), and 54.3% of intoxicated patients were at home. The way of intoxication was mainly accidental (82.9%) and by oral way (90.6%). The most common causative agent was sodium hypochlorite (60.8%), followed by phenol (23.7%) and caustic potash (Potassium hydroxide) (15.5%). Commonly observed symptoms were GIT with respiratory manifestations (58.8%), respiratory manifestations (32.7%), dermal manifestation (7.3%) and CNS manifestations (0.8%). About 52% of patients were treated symptomatically: 32.6 % with oxygen, 10.2% treated by dermal decontamination and 4.5% with GIT decontamination. Most of cases (78 %) were improved and discharged, 18.4% referred for endoscopy and 3.7% discharged against medical advice. Conclusion: Acute corrosives poisoning Ali NEM and Abo El Wafa SM 778 Introduction Worldwide acute poisoning is considered as one of the most important causes of admission to Poison Control Center. Knowing the epidemiological characters is very important in putting the successful preventive measures and has great importance in prognosis of the outcome of the poisoning (Alazab et al., 2013). Also, poisoning needs the use of hospitals and poor health resources in developing countries which affects their economy; and can be decreased by early diagnosis and treatment (Ahuja et al., 2015). Acute corrosive toxicity is considered a serious problem worldwide. Every year about five thousand to fifteen thousand cases of corrosive poisoning are registered in the USA (Park, 2014; Rollin et al., 2015). In Egypt, it had been reported that corrosives were responsible for about 58% of toxicity in children in the Middle Delta Poison Control Center (Sobeeh et al., 2018). Also Kandeel and EL-Farouny (2017) found that 30% of cases of toxicity were due to corrosives in Menoufia Poison Control Center (MPCC) During the Year (2016).Corrosives are defined as any substances which can cause chemical destruction once they come in contact with body tissues like eye, skin, GIT or respiratory system (Radenkova-Saeva et al., 2016). Acids corrosives, change the tissue proteins to acid proteins and hemoglobin to hematine resulting in coagulative necrosis while alkalis, change the tissue proteins to proteinates and fats to soaps, leading to penetration and liquefactive necrosis (Chen et al., 2018). The degree of corrosive injuries depends on the time of contact, type, concentration or amount of the corrosive material used (Vezakis et al., 2016). Corrosive exposure leads to dermal manifestations as intense pain, blistering with ulceration in tissues they come in contact with while inhalation may cause inflammation in the throat, was mainly accidental toxic issue in Egypt among rural male children below 10 years old. Sodium hypochlorite found to be the commonest corrosive agent used and commonly observed symptoms were GIT with respiratory manifestations most of patients were treated symptomatically and most of them improved and discharged.

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