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Prof. Saeed Mohamed Morsy EL-Laithy :: Publications:

Effect of Turkey egg weight and storage period on fertility, hatchability percentages and hatching poults weight
Authors: El-Laithy S. M., * Mahmoud E. A. A., * Mahrous** O. E., a
Year: 2007
Keywords: Turkey egg-Storage period-Fertility and hatchability-poult weight
Journal: 2nd Sci.Congr.of Egyt.Soc.Anim.Mang.,29-31 Oct.(2007):34-45
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 34-45
Publisher: 2nd Sci.Congr.of Egyt.Soc.Anim.Mang
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Saeed Mohamed Morsy EL-Laithy_Effect of Turkey egg weight and storage period on fertility, hatchability percentages and hatching poults weight.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Summary: This study was carried out to investigate the effects of turkey hatching egg weight and length of egg storage period on fertility, hatchability % and hatching poults weight. Eggs were collected from a Bronze Turkey (Baladi) flock aged 32 weeks and classified into 2 groups on the basis of storage period 4 and 10 days. Prior to egg storage, the eggs in each group were further divided according to egg weight into small: (≤ 55 gm); medium: (55.01-65gm) and large: (≥ 65.01gm) egg. The apparent fertility % and the hatching poults weight were not affected significantly by the length of egg storage period. Hatchability of total and fertile eggs was affected significantly by length of storage period (p < 0.001). Apparent fertility and hatchability of total eggs was not significantly affected by hatching egg weight, while the hatching poults weight was significantly affected by the hatching egg weight (p < 0.001). There was no significant interaction between hatching egg weight and length of egg storage period for apparent fertility, hatchability of total and fertile egg % and hatching poults weight. It was concluded that hatchability percentages of total and fertile Turkey eggs decreased significantly due to long period of egg storage (10 days) by 11 and 14% respectively than short period of egg storage (4 days). Heavier poults weight at hatching could be obtained from large eggs weighing 65gm or more at setting.

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