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Prof. Prof. Dr. Saeed El-Sayed Abdel Ghany El-Sayed :: Publications:

Temperature Sensors Based on One Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Different Double Defects
Authors: s.E.-S. Abd El-Ghany
Year: 2017
Keywords: Photonic Crystals; Photonic Band Gap; Transfer Matrix Method.
Journal: Journal of Nanoelectronicsand Optoelectronics
Volume: 12
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-8
Publisher: American Scientific Publishers
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Prof. Dr. Saeed El-Sayed Abdel Ghany El-Sayed_12JNO-2199-mypaper.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In this paper the transmission properties in the Uv, visible and infrared (IR) spectra for one-dimensional photonic crystals with different double defects, under the effect of temperature variations has been theoretically studied. Numerical calculations were carried out by using the transfer matrix method (TMM). The multilayer system, air (Si/SiO2)N D1 (Si/SiO2)M D2 (Si/SiO2)L Glass, has been taken as temperature dependent. The numerical results showed that the number of PBG was increased by increasing the degree of temperature variation. In addition, the variation of temperature caused shifting of the photonic pandgaps to higher wavelengths which can be exploited in the design of temperature sensors.

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