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Prof. Prof. Dr. Saeed El-Sayed Abdel Ghany El-Sayed :: Publications:

Effect of pulsed laser damage on the thermal properties of metal film on substrate
Authors: T. A. El-Dessouky; Y. A. Badr; S. E.–S. Abd El-Ghany; A. E.–S. B. Ammar
Year: 2019
Keywords: Laser damage; thermal diffusion; evaporated materials; residual material; Kinetic energy
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Pages: 61-64
Publisher: IOSR
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Prof. Dr. Saeed El-Sayed Abdel Ghany El-Sayed_paper-atef.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Two thin films of antimony and copper were coated on stainless steel substrate. The thicknesses of the films were 130 nm and 150 nm for antimony and copper respectively which measured interferometerically. The resultant damage in the targets depends on the total thermal properties of thin films as well as their reflectivities. Good conductor films distribute the incident heat horizontally more than in vertical direction. Meanwhile, bad conductor films confine the incident energy in the vertical direction rather than the horizontal. Also most of the incident energy was found to be used for evaporation of the particles of the good conductor.

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