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Prof. Said Ganiem Mohamed :: Publications:

New Pottiaceae records to the moss flora of Libya
Authors: Said Ghanem Youssef1*, Manal Ibrahim Khalil2, Hanaa Shabbara2and Wagieh El-Saadawi2
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Said Ganiem Mohamed_6.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Potttiaceae includes up to 5,311species worldwide. It is the largest moss family in Libya with 41 out of a total of 98 species known from this country. Most of the species are quite old records based on collections published before 1932. In this recent work 20 Pottiaceae mosses are reported from Libya including two new records namely; Microbryum rectum (With.) R.H.Zander and Weissia controversa var. crispata (Nees and Hornsch.) Nyholm. Descriptions and illustrations of the two new records together with geographic distribution and brief comments on all taxa are given.

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