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Dr. Salah Gomaa Ahmed Ali Elgendi :: Publications:

Computing nullity and kernel vectors using NF-package: Counterexamples. ArXiv: 1401.0133 [math. DG].
Authors: Nabil L. Youssef and S. G. Elgendi
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Copmut. Phys. Commu.
Volume: 185
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 2859--2864
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Salah Gomaa Ahmed Ali Elgendi_1401.0133.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A computational technique for calculating nullity vectors and kernel vectors, using the new Finsler package, is introduced. As an application, three interesting counterex- amples are given. The first counterexample shows that the two distributions KerR and NR do not coincide. The second shows that the nullity distribution NP◦ is not completely integrable. The third shows that the nullity distribution NR is not a sub-distribution of the nullity distribution NR◦ .

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