You are in:Home/Publications/ Effect of planting densities and nitrogen fertilizer on growth criteria, juice quality and chemical constituents of some sugar cane varieties. Pak Sugar Journal XVI, (4) july-Agust, 2- 11, 2001.

Prof. Salah Abbas Hassan Allam :: Publications:

Effect of planting densities and nitrogen fertilizer on growth criteria, juice quality and chemical constituents of some sugar cane varieties. Pak Sugar Journal XVI, (4) july-Agust, 2- 11, 2001.
Authors: 1Shafshak, S. A., 2 I. H. EL-Geddawy, 3 S. A. H. Allam & 4G.S. EL-Sayed
Year: 2001
Keywords: Not Available
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Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
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Two field trials were conducted at Shandaweel Research Station, Souhag governor ate for two successive seasons 1993/1994 and 1994/1995, to investigate the influence of planting systems (one and half drills of three budded sugar cane cuttings (37800 buds/fed) double drills (50400 buds/fed) and nitrogen fertilizer levels {150,190 and 230 kg N/fed} on yield and quality of the plant cane of two sugar cane varieties (Giza74-96)-F 152). „ 'i A split plot design with 4 replications was used where varieties were allocated in the main plots and the 6 treatments of the combination between planting densities and N fertilizer levels were distributed at random in the subplots. In general, it was evident that F153 variety produced taller stalks in both seasons compared with G74-96 variety which significantly surpassed F153 in stalk diameter in both seasons. Meanwhile brix % and sucrose % insignificantly affected by the studied varieties in both seasons. Also F.1'53 variety contain less fiber % and reducing sugar % compared with G74-96 variety. The results obtained indicated that planting density had no significant effect on stalk height in both seasons. However, planting sugar cane seed setts by using 1.5 drill significantly increased stalk thickness by 5.39 % 5.31 % in the Is1 and 2'"' seasons respectively. Whereas, brix % sucrose % fiber % and reducing sugar % did not affected by the examined planting densities both seasons. Concerning nitrogen fertilizer level effect, results given showed that increasing the nitrogen level from 150 to 190 kg N/fed significantly increased stalk height and stalk diameter at all stages of growth and in both seasons, ft was evident that no any significant difference was detected in stalk height between 190 and 230 kg N/fed levels. On the contrary nitrogen fertilizer had no any significant effect on brix % sucrose % and reducing sugar % in both seasons. However, increasing N level from 150 to 190 kg N/fed significantly increased fiber % by 0.36 and 0.39 in the first and second season, respectively. 1. Fac. Agric. Moshtohor. Zagazig Univ. 2. Sugar crops Res. Inst. Agric. Res. Center. 3. Fac. Agric. Moshtohor. Zagazig Univ. 4. Sugar crops Res. Inst. Agric. Res. Center. Pak Sugar Journal July-August 2001

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