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Prof. Salah Eed Ebraheem Hamza :: Publications:

The creeping motion of a viscoelastic fluid around a sphere Part II: Solution up to the second – order approximation, accepted for publication in the journal “Proceedings of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt”.
Authors: S. E. E. Hamza
Year: 2007
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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INPART I of the present work, the flow field predicted by the steady rotation of a sphere in a viscoelastic fluid is investigated. The equations of motion and continuity are solved together with the rheological equation of state from Giesekus model. By using the slow flow approximation method, the solution up to the second-order approximation, is obtained through the expansion of the dynamical variables in terms of the dimensionless retarded time . In the present paper, the solution of this problem up to the third-order approximation is obtained. We try to explain some secondary flow phenomena in viscoelastic fluids for which normal stresses occur in steady shear flow. From the obtained stream function it is found that the normal stresses produce a secondary flow towards the sphere in the equatorial plane. After the fluid approaches the sphere, it winds up in close windings to the pole and then runs on a trumpet-like surface symmetric with respect to the pole axis. We introduce the interpretation of this higher order effect due to the third-order solution of the problem. The calculation of the third-order secondary flow fairly well predicts the experimental results qualitatively.

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