In this work, the determined refractive indices of Carbon Dioxide gas in
terms of both CO2- temperature and CO2-pressure were used to determine the
transport phenomena of this gas with the atmosphere. The transport
phenomena was indicated with the transport coefficient which means the
viscosity coefficient η, the diffusion Coefficient D, and thermal conductivity χ of
CO2. The values of these coefficients were determined and its behavior
depending on both pressure and temperature of the investigated gas, CO2. The
rate of change of these coefficients with respect to CO2-pressure at constant
temperature of CO2, (dD/dp)T,λ, (dη/dp)T,λ, and (dχ/dp)T,λ were determined. In
addition, the rate of change of the same coefficients with respect to CO2-
temperature at constant CO2-pressure (dD/dT)p,λ, (dη/dT)p,λ, and (dχ/dT)p,λ were
also determined. All of these parameters were investigated at selected laser
wavelengths, 476, 488, 502, and 514.5 nm. The graphs shown were at
λ=488 nm as an example. |