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Dr. Salwa Ali Zein El Abedeen :: Publications:

Arthrospira platensis Nanoparticles Mitigate Aging-Related Oxidative Injured Brain Induced by D-galactose in Rats Through Antioxidants, Anti- Inflammatory, and MAPK Pathways
Authors: Heba I Ghamry1,*, Mustafa Shukry 2,*, Mohamed A Kassab3, Foad A Farrag4, Nagi M El-Shafai5, Enas Elgendy6, Amany N Ibrahim7, Salwa A Elgendy7
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Salwa Ali Zein El Abedeen_paper-7.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Loss of normal function is an inevitable effect of aging. Several factors contribute to the aging process, including cellular senescence and oxidative stress. Methods: We investigate how Arthrospira platensis Nanoparticles (NSP) protect against aging injury induced by d-galactose (D-gal) in the rat. So, we subcutaneously (S/C) injected D-gal at 200 mg/kg BW to see if Arthrospira platensis Nanoparticles (NSP) might protect against the oxidative changes generated by D-gal. NSP (0.5 mg/kg body weight once daily by gastric gavage) was given to all groups apart from the control and D-gal groups. The d-gal + NSP group was supplemented with 200 mg of D-gal per kg BW once a day and NSP 0.5 mg/kg BW given orally for 45 days. Biochemical, mRNA expression, and histological investigations of brain tissues were used to evaluate the oxidative alterations caused by d-gal and the protective role of NSP.

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