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Dr. Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed :: Publications:

Relationship between Nurses’ Perception and Readiness to Implement Electronic Medical Record System
Authors: Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud, Nora Ahmed Abd Allah Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Nursing Administration Department, Benha University, Egypt
Year: 2017
Keywords: Electronic medical records, Nurses’ Perception, Readiness assessment, operational plans
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed_Relationship between Nurses’ Perception and Their Readiness.pdf
Supplementary materials Salwa Ibrahim Mahomud khalil Mohamed_Relationship between Nurses’ Perception and Their Readiness.pdf

Nurses` perception and readiness assessment provides a proper image of the existing conditions and an explanation of facilitated operational plans and functional approaches to successful implementation of electronic medical record. Aim of the study: this study aimed to find out the relationship between nurses` perception and their readiness to implement electronic medical record system. Design: A descriptive correctional design was used in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at Benha University Hospital in Medical and Surgery Departments. Subjects: were composed of 200 nurses with more than two year of experience (124 working in Medicine Departments and 74 working in Surgery Departments). Tools for data collection: Two tools were used for data collection: Electronic Medical Record (EMR)Perception Questionaire and Electronic Medical Record (EMR)Readiness Scale. Results: The findings of this study showed that 53.0% of nurses had high level of perception, While 62.0% of nurses had low level of readiness regarding implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in the hospital, there was highly statistical significant correlation between nurses` perception and their readiness. Conclusion: The study concluded that there was statistically highly significant correlation between total score of perception and total score of readiness (r=0.237, P

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