Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental
Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University,
Kalubia Governorate during two summer growing seasons (2007 and
2008) to investigate the potentialities of three indigenous-native
Bonavista bean types of different seed-coat colors (White, Black and
Brown) grown at various population densities (10, 20 and 30 kg/fed).
Experiments were designed and implemented to evaluate their vegetative
growth behaviour, fresh and dry and quality forage yield.
Experiments were designed and layed out as split plot design where
Bonavista bean types were randomly distributed in the main plots and
seeding rates in the sub plots. Two individual cuts were obtained during
each of the two growing seasons and their total yield. Results proved that
White type was of the highest significant total fresh and dry yield with
the highest number of shoots/rn when planted at the highest seeding
rates. Meanwhile, Brown type was of the largest significant stem
diameter, leaf area/plant and leaf/stem ratio when planted at the lowest
seeding rate. Whereas, Black type was of the tallest plants.