Seyen drought measurements. i.c relative water coraent(RVC), osmotic pressure tOP). membrane integrity (Nil), total sugars (TS), total amino acids TAA).
potassum content (K) and protein content were estimated for six parental varieties or
lines and their hybrids under two irrigation treatments (two experiments). The first
experiment was irrigated once alkr planting irrigation and the second one was normall
Irrigation mean squares were signilىcuit for all the traits studied. Mean sqLIues
for genoLpcs, parents, crosses and parent vs. crosses were significant for most traits in
both env iromnenis as ‘ell as the combined data. Genotpes x irrigation, parent x
irrnaLion. FI x irrigation and parent vs. crosses x irrigation were significant for all traits
except Fix irrigation 11w K, parent vs. cresses x environments for Ml and parent x
en ironment and parents vs cresses x environment for OP. Line SD (PS). Line2D
(P2Land Line 3D (P3) for OP. Lino 3D (P3). Giz168 (P5) and Giza l6(P5) for MI.
expressed the highest mean values at normal, stress irrىgation treatments as well as the
combined analysis respectively. Also, the parents Sids I (Pl), Linc2D (P2), and Sham6
(P6.) expressed the highest value for K in the same order. The parental variety Gcmniii,a
9 P4) expressed the high-Lost value of TS in stress condition. While, Giza 168 (P5) gave
the highest protein content in stress irrigation as well as the combined analysis and TAA
in stress condition. Mean squares lٍr parent vs. crosses as an indication to a’cragc
hctcrosis over all crosses were significant for all drought measurements in both
irrigation treatments as well as the combined analysis except Ml in both irrigation
treatments and the combined analysis and TAA in the combined analysis. The cross
P4xP6 for OP. PIxP2 for (K and TS. P2xP5 for TAA. and Pl xP3 for protein content
gave the most desirable heterotic etThcts
Mean squares associated with general combining ability (GCA) and specilic
Combining’ ability tSCA) were significant for all drought measurements in both
irrigation treatments as well as the combined anal ‘sis except GCA for K in stress
irrigation. OP in normal and the combined analysis and Ml in stress condition and the
combined analysis and SCA for Ml in normal irrigation. For most crosses, low GCA
ISCA ratios of loss than unit were detected. The interaction between both gefieral and
specific combining ability and irrigation treatments was significant for. all the studied
trails except K’ content. . . . . . . .:.
. The parental variety Sidsl(Pl) for protein content, Linc2D (P2) for protein
content and RWC. Line 3D (P3 for TAA, Gemm.9 (P4) for RWC and TS, Gizal6X
(PS) for RWC and OP and Shani6 (P6) for TAA and OP gave signiilcant desirable كi
effects for these measurements, : . . . ...
. The most desirable S effects s’erc recorded by crosses P4xP6 for OP. Pl xP2
and Pl xP3 for protein content. P3x P6 for TS in both irrigation treatments as well as the
combined analysis; b’ P2x PS and P2x P6 for K by PIx P3. P2x PS. and P3x P4 for
TAA, and Pl x P4 and.Plx P3 for Ml% in stress irrigation and the combined analysis.