Two field experiments were conducted at
the Research and Experiment Center, Faculty of
Agriculture at Lioshtohor in 1986/87 and 19&7/88
seasons. These investigations were done to
study the effect of mixing 3—crops usina 3 —
seeding rates with fahi berseem on forage ;rod—
uction and the botanical fractions of the ;rop—
osed mixtures. Results indicated that pure stand
of lolium produced the highest fresh forage
yield, whereas pure stand of phalaris gave the dry yield. Pahl—pholarin mixture ian
higher in fresh and dry yield than either fad
—fcnu;reek or fahi—lolium mixtures when using
similar seeding rate of companion crop in in.
mixture. There was no significant effect of
seed±ng rates of the companion crop on forage
yield of the proposed mixture.
Pure stand o loliun produced the hiest
nunbe: of sterna/n followed by phelarin an:
fahl followed by f enugreek. Number of ates/
of fahi berseem decreased continuously as ine
seeding rate of the companion crop increa.sec.
Oppsite2trend was obtained for the number cf
stems/n of the crops in the mixtures with
different magnitudes. Significant reductien in
fahl berseera fraction was obtained as the seed—
in rate of the companion crop increased ir.
the different mixtures, Pure stand of phalars
and lolium had the highest competition on zeeds.
However, weed fraction was not significantly
affected by seeding rate of the companion crop
in most cases.