The effect of irrigation number with combination of pho.sphorus
and potassium fertilizer levels on seed yield, yield components and
quaii4’ of field bean was studied in two field experiments at the
Agricultural Research and Experimental Center, Facuhy f
Agriculture, Moshiohor Zagazig University, Benha branch during
1992.93 and 1993,94 seasons.
The results indicated that plant height, seedy weightplant, 100-
seed weight and seed 1/teld/feddan sign iji candy increased by increasing
the number of irrigation in both seasons, whereas the nuni her of
branches and podc per p/ant, absorption percentage and phosphorus
percentage in seeds offiuba bean significantly increased by increasing
number of irrigation in one season out of two . Two irrigations gai e the
highest signijicantly protem content in seeds of frtha bean during the
two .sasons . On the other hand, increasing irrigation to 4 watering
had no significant effect on potassium percentage.
The plant heighi, number of branches/plant, number of
pods/plant and potassium percentage in seeds of faha bean were
signijicantly affitcted by the application P and K combinations in the
second season only . Increasing P--K ftrtilization levels sign ificantly
increased pod weight’piant, seeds weight p/ant, seed yield feddan and
absorption percentage in ho//i sea.cons . The highest seed’yie/dfeddan
was obtained by adding 16 P205— 24 K2() in the first se/ison, 32
P205 -zero K20 in the second one . JIowe ver no significant difference
between the combination of» and K level |