This investigation was carried out in the Experimental Farm. Faculty of
Agriculture at Moshtohor. Zagazig University during 1990/91 and 1991/92
seasons to study the effect of N levels as soil application (0. 30. 45, 60 and 75 kg
N/fed.) and foliar sprays of urca (0, 2. 4 and 6% urea/fed ) at booting stage on
yield, yield components, protein contcni and correlation coefficient between
grain yield and yield components characters of Sakha 69 wheat cultivar Each
experiments was designed in split plot with four replications. The results
obtained were as follows
Soil application of nitrogen level up to 75 kg/fed, increased
significantly plant height, spike length, weight of spike, number of gxains/spikc.
number of spikelcts/spike. number of grains.fspikclcl. 1000-grain weight, number
of spikcs/m’, biological and grain yiclds/fcddan and protein content in wheat
grains in combined analysis of the Iwo season. Whereas no significant difference
between 45 kg, 60 kg and 75 kg N/fed. as soil application in their effect on the
above characters. The soil application of 30. 45. 60 and 75 kg N/fcddan resulted
in increasing the grain yield by 77 76/., 106.22%, 132.22°6 and 122 78%.
respectively over the control in the combined analysis
Grain yteld/feddan and its components as well as protein content were
significantly increased by increasing foliar application of urca up to 6%
urca/feddan at booting stage except number of grains/spike and number of
grains/spikelet In combined analysis, foliar spray of urea at 2%. 4% and 6%
urca/feddan caused increases grain sicld/fcddan b 14.4 3%. I 70% and 27 74°/e
respectively over the control treatment
Positive and highly significant correlation coefficient were obtained
between grain yicldlfcddan and each of plant height. spike length. spike weight.
grain wcightlspikc. number of grain per spike and per spikelet. 10(X)-grain
weight. number of spikes/rn2 and biological yield per fcddan