Two field experiments were carried out durin.g 1986
and 1987 seasons at the Research and Experimental station
at Moshtohor. The aim of this investigation was to, study
the effect of nitrogen fertilizer levels, number of plants
per hill and spacing between hills on some agronomic charac
ters, yield and yيeld components of maize cultivar D.C.
202. The results could be summarized as follows:
All characters were affected significantly due to
the N fertilizer rates except number of rows/ear and shelling
percentage. Thern application of 45, 90 and 135 kg N/feddan
resulted in increasing the percentage values of grain yield!
feddan by 47.52, 72.73 and 80.73% over the control treatment.
The number of plants per hill had a significant effect
on the number of ears/plant, number of kernels/row,
100—kernel weight and grain yield/plant. One plant per
hill gave the maximum values for these characters.
The distance between hills had a significant effect
on the stem diameter, number of ears/plant, number of kernels
per row, 100—kernel weight and grain yield per plant.
The effect of the interaction between N—levels and
number of plants per hill gave a significant effect on
the number of kernels/row, 100-kernel weight, grain yield!
plant and grain yield/fedًan.. While insignificant effect
of interaction between N—levels and spacing between hills
was found for all characters except stem diameter, number
of kernels/row and 100—kernel weight. The differences between
the averages. of number of ears/plant, grain yield/plant,
ear yield and grain yield per feddan were significant due
to he interaction between number of plants per hill and
spacing between hills. The interaction between N—levels,
number of plants per hill and spacing between hills gave
a significant effect on the number of kernels/row, grain
yield/plant, ear and grain yield per feddan.