Two field experiments were carried oui at the Rsearch andExperiniental Station of the Faculty of Agriculture at /vt oghtohor, during
1990/1991 and 1991/1992 seasons to the response of five new lines viz
Moshlohor 8, 10, 18, 43 and 66 as compared to commercial clrrvar Giza 402
under Joliar applical4on of zinc levels (0, 0.2%, 0.4% and and 0.6% Zn 5Q4,i.
Giza 402, Moshtohor 18 and 66 gave the tallest plant as compared ،he
of/icr ،nies. Moshtohor 8 had the highest mean values for seed index, seed
yiclth’plant and seed yield/fed The new fi ve lines were signijىcavtl.Y higher than
the cOfl,fl,erCia! variety Giza 402. Moshiohor 8 and 10 lines increased seed
yieldifeddan over the commercial cultivar Giza 402 by 17.6% and 16.54%,
respeCtively. .
The differences between the àverages of all characters under study were
sigmJىcani due to z:iic sulphate jèrtilizer levels up to 0.س% as foliar application.
erce pt number o,f branches/plant in the first season and plant height in the
second season. Foliar application of zinc sulphate at 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%
significantly increased seed yielthfeddan by 2I.6%, 38.25% and 69.7%,
resj,ectively compared with the control treatment ‘zero Zn).
Sign ،fi eau! positive correlation values were found between seed
vie ld/,lanI, and each of uiumber of branches/plant. number of pocir/piant and seed
index. .
The direct effectl of ,number of pods/plant and seed index and mderict
effrct cl number of pods/plant through 100-seed weight were account for
cpproximately 98.01% and 69.3% of seed yie!dilant variat:on at first and
second seasons, respctiveIy. |