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Dr. samah saad Mostafa :: Publications:

Effectiveness of Psycho educational Program on Depressive Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction among Menopausal Women
Authors: Samah Saad Moustafa1, Maaly Ibrahim Elmalky2, Fathyea Saeed Elsayed3, Mwaheb Mahmoud Zaki4
Year: 2022
Keywords: Depressive Symptoms, Marital Satisfaction and Menopausal Women.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper samah saad mostafa farag_final paper samah saad.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Menopause is a major turning point in a woman's life in which all women. Aim of the study: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of psycho-educational program on depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction among menopausal women. Design: A quasi-experimental design two-groups (pre and post-test) was used to achieve the aim of the study. Setting: This study was conducted at administrative building of Benha university hospitals. Sample: A convenience sample of 100 menopausal women divided into two equal groups (50 study groups and 50 control groups) was selected from the above mentioned settings. Tools for data collection: Data were collected by using four tools. Tool (1): Structured Interview Questionnaire to assess socio-demographic and clinical characteristics. Tool (11): Overall Menopausal Symptoms Scale. Tool (111): Beck Depression Inventory Scale and Tool (1V): Marital Satisfaction Scale. Results: indicated that there was a highly statistical significant reduction of all items of menopausal symptoms & the level of the severity of depressive symptoms for study group after program application than before program, marital satisfaction improved after program application among study group than preprogram application. Also, there were highly statistically significant positive correlation between total menopausal symptoms and total mean score of beck depression scale, negative correlation between total marital satisfaction and total depressive symptoms and negative correlation between total marital satisfaction and total menopausal symptoms of studied menopausal women pre and post-program application. Conclusion: The psycho education program enhance menopausal symptoms, depressive symptoms and marital satisfaction among studied menopausal women. The study recommended that Stress management and assertiveness training program and social skill training program should be given for all menopausal women to relieve their psychological problems and enhance their coping patterns.

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