Background: Urinary incontinence is one of the most common lower urinary tract disorders in women, resulting from failure of voluntary vesicle and urethral sphincter control, which results in involuntary passage of urine. Pelvic floor muscles exercises is the most common physical therapy for women with urinary incontinence.
The aim of the study: was to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscles exercises for improving urinary incontinence among women.
It is hypothesized: that woman with urinary incontinence who participates in pelvic floor muscles exercises program will have better improvement and will reduce signs of urinary incontinence than who don’t.
Design: Quasi-experimental design was utilized to fulfill the aim of this study.
Sample: (100) incontinent women were recruited in the study.
Settings: urology & gynecology outpatient clinics at Benha University Hospital.
Tools: Structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, assessment sheet, follow up & evaluation sheet.
Results: revealed that the mean age of study & control groups (49.12 ± 12.76) (64.64 ± 83.21 years) respectively. There were highly significant improvements (p |