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  • 1- Prepare and teach students the stages of the decisions of undergraduate and graduate, such as: agricultural economics - the society and the rural community - statistics - agricultural cooperation - management and development of human resources - agricultural extension (methods, equipment and instructional aids, organization and training of extension, based outreach programs, planning, implementation and evaluation of extension systems, Indicative comparison, agricultural information, Rural Leadership) - Social Change - population studies - the adoption of agricultural innovations - Educational Psychology. 2- Conducting scientific studies of high research capacity (more than 25 papers) published in scientific journals and local and international specialized conferences and folders, and a technical consultancy and training in the fields of Economics, Extension and Management and Arabic Calligraphy. 3- Supervision of graduate students and the achievement of Thesis (more than 20 Master's and PhD). 4- Successfully pass the training courses on: the development of the faculty members (more than 10 courses) such as: decision-making, problem solving, ethics and professional ethics, legal aspects, and effective communication, time management and the pressures of work and evaluation of teaching, quality assurance, and financial aspects legal and universities, and the basic concepts of information technology, and the preparation and install operating systems (Operating System Programs), and the design of e-courses, and the dissemination of books, files and documents on the web. 5- The research skills of references and periodicals and related Web sites specialize across the net. 6- Fluency in Arabic, English, German and French speaking and writing, and mastering the use of computers and training. 7- Active participation in the exams and Community Service Committees and the development of the environment and scientific equipment and the development of quality and accreditation of higher education. 8- Organization and active participation of the projects and attend seminars, workshops, scientific conferences and training in the field of specialization. 9- Outstanding leadership in management for an educational institution for a period of twenty years, and the use of the capabilities developed through the experience of management professional performance training program in teaching and teacher preparation and student university, operation and maintenance of the computer, teaching and writing calligraphy and decoration. 10- Academic: - M. Sc. Thesis: "Economic Effects of Migration of Agric. Labor in Egypt". - Ph.D. Thesis: "Role of the Rural Organizations in the Extension work in Kalubia governorate". 11- Training: -Developed Language and Computer skills. -Enhanced Presentation & projects development skills. -Acquired basic business skills including: Agric. Extension Management, marketing, sales, banking, accounting, business correspondence, report and Calligraphy writing. 12- Co-architect of the draft small-scale industries Qalyubia and Fayoum governorates partnership with Michigan State University, U.S., 1981-1984. 13- Portal Coordinator for the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University.
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