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Dr. Sanya Khairy Elawa :: Publications:

Forskolin Effect on FOXO1 Expression and Relationship of FOXO1 Activation to Oxidative Stress: From Molecular to Therapeutic Strategy
Authors: Sania K. Elwia1 *, Heba A. Elnoury2 , and Marwa H. Muhammad3
Year: 2022
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Sanya Khairy Elawa_1.pdf
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Background: Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production has been established as an essential contributor in the development cardiotoxicity. The increase of ROS production simultaneously leads to the inhibition of anti-oxidant systems. Forkhead transcription factor O1 (FOXO1) plays an important role in regulating metabolism and oxidant stress. Clozapine was used to induce cardiotoxicity. Forskolin the well-known anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent was used to modulate the effect on both FOXO1 gene and its target gene catalase and to what extent it may protect against clozapine-induced cardiotoxicity. Methods: The animals were classified into: control group, forskolin group; forskolin was administered for 8 weeks; clozapine group, and forskolin + clozapine group; forskolin was pre-administered for 5 weeks then continued along with clozapine for the last 3 weeks. RT-qPCR and gel electrophoresis were done. We analyzed the relation between FoxO1 gene and oxidative stress. Results: These effects are achieved by the ability of Forskolin to modulate the expression of Foxo-1 and catalase, the levels of CKMB, troponin I, GST, MDA, and TNF- α, Caspase-3 were decreased, histopathological changes were improved. Forskolin reduce cardiomyocytes damage, and improve cardiac function by decreasing oxidative stress. Conclusion: Forkolin with its biological activities and anti-oxidative effects control cardiotoxicity induced by ROS in addition to its anti-inflammatory activity. This may be considered as therapy in cardiac problems management

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