Highly significant negative heterotic effect was obtai
ned for date of silking in the four crosses. Positive highly
sighificant heterotic effects were detected for ear length,
number of rows per ear and kernels per row, 100 kernels
weight and grain yield per plant in foْr crosses and ear
diameter in three crosses. Inbreeding depression was negative
and highly significant for silking date in the four crosses.
Eighly significant positive values were obtained for the
remain cases except number of rows per ear in the four
crosses. Overdominance towards the lower parent was detected
for silking date, whereas overdominance towards the higher
parent was detected for all otehr traits studied. Epistasis
tests showed significant values of E1 and E2 for all traits
at least in one cross. Dominance effects were higher in
iagnitude than additive gene effects in the performative
gene effects had the major role of the inheritance of such
traits in four crosses. Low to moderate values of herita
bility were obtained for most traits. High to moderate
values of predicted genetic gain for most traits studieم.
were detected.