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Dr. Seham Marzouk Amer :: Publications:

Effect of Cooperative Learning Program on Intern-Nurses’ Decision Making Skills
Authors: Seham Marzouk Amer 1, Saher Hamdy El-Sayed 2, Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud 3
Year: 2021
Keywords: Cooperative learning, Decision making skills
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper seham marzouk_paper.pdf
Supplementary materials seham marzouk_paper.pdf

Cooperative learning is a successful learner focused instructional approach where small groups of intern nurses work together to take full advantage of their individual and group learning that reflects on enhancing academic achievement, encouraging individual accountability, practicing social skills and improving decision making skills. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning program on intern nurses’ decision making skills. Research design: A quasi experimental design was utilized in this study. Setting: This study was conducted at Benha University Hospital in the intern-nurses' clinical training areas. The sample: A systematic random sample was used in this study; the total sample included 55 intern nurses. Tools: four tools were used I): Cooperative learning knowledge questionnaire, II): Attitude toward cooperative learning scale, III): Cooperative learning practice observational checklist and IV): Decision making skills in nursing scale. Results: (%3.38) and (%5.58) of intern nurses had satisfactory knowledge level during immediately post program phase and follow up phase. (92.3%) and (%58) had highly positive attitude during immediately post program phase and follow up phase, respectively, (9..9%) of them had competent practice level at immediate post program phase and (32.38) of intern nurses had high level of decision making skills at post program. There was a highly positive statistical significant correlation between intern nurses’ total cooperative learning knowledge, attitude and practice scores and their total decision making skills score at immediately post program. Conclusion: educational program was effective in improving intern nurses knowledge, attitude and practice about cooperative learning and also improved decision making skills levels. Recommendations: Apply cooperative learning with more participants highly recommended to achieve generalizable results and generate more evidence on the effects of cooperative learning

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