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Dr. Seham Mohamed Abd-Elaziz :: Publications:

Improving Nurses’ Performance Regarding Physiotherapeutic Techniques for Bed Ridden Children: Nursing Educational Intervention
Authors: Nashat E. Ali***, Randa M. Adly*, Seham M. Abd El Aziz**
Year: 2021
Keywords: Educational intervention program, nurses, physiotherapy, Pediatric intensive care unit, bedridden pediatric patients.
Journal: International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Pages: 128-138
Publisher: Seham M. Abd El Aziz
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Seham Mohamed Abd-Elaziz _Improving Nurses’ Performance Regarding.pdf
Supplementary materials Seham Mohamed Abd-Elaziz _Improving Nurses’ Performance Regarding.pdf

Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative health that use specially designed exercise and equipment's to help pediatric patients regain or improve their physical abilities and to prevent pulmonary complications for them in the pediatric intensive care units. Aim of the study was improve nurses’ performance regarding physiotherapeutic techniques for bed ridden pediatric patients. Design: A quasi-experimental was utilized in the current study. Settings: this study was conducted in PICUs at Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital and Benha University Hospital. Sample: A convenience sample of all available nurses in the previously mentioned settings. Tools of data collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire sheet, Physiotherapeutic techniques checklist and Physiotherapeutic Techniques Attitude Questionnaire (PTAQ). Results: The majority of the studied nurses had good knowledge, competent practice and positive attitudes regarding physiotherapeutic techniques for bedridden children post-educational program intervention compared with pre-educational program intervention. Also, there was a highly statistically significant in the total nurses' knowledge and practice scores regarding physiotherapy for bedridden children post-educational program intervention when compared with pre-educational program intervention. Conclusion: Nurses' performance was improved regarding to physiotherapeutic techniques for bedridden children. Recommendations: Provision of continuing educational programs for nurses working in PICU to improve their knowledge and practice regarding physiotherapeutic techniques for bedridden children

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