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Prof. Shaaban Saber Mohamed Khalafallah :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2020
1-Participation in the awareness campaign for Avian and swine flu
2-A member of Faculty council
3-A member of the equipment committee of the faculty
4-A member of the Library committee of the faculty
5-A member of the higher studues committee of the faculty
6-A member of the intellectual affairs committee of the faculty
7- A member of the environmental services committee of the faculty
8-Trainer for Veterinarians at the training centers, Institute of Aimal Health, Sers El_laian training center
9-Training of Saudi Veterinarians at the training centers at the Ministry of Agriculture in different Governorates and Regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
10-Participation in the national program for the training of veterinarians in different localities of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
11-Participation in the workshops and conferences held by the Animal Wealth Administration, Ministry of Agriculture in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
12-Offering consultations and scientific support in the field of animal health, epidemiological and zoonotic diseases.
13-Participation in the edition and revising of the scientific veterinary medical books and pamphlets
14-Participation in the Veterinary guidance programs, education of publics and livestock's owners in the field of veterinary diseases and means of its prevention and control
15-participation in the accreditation programs in Benha University, through attending workshops and submission of plans and reports
Scientific Activities of 2010
17-Submission of generic contingency plan for control of epidemic and zoonotic diseases which affect the animal wealth in Saudi Arabia
18-Submission of contingency plan for control of brucellosis disease in Saudi Arabia
Scientific Activities of 2009
19-Designing the epidemiological models about the infectious diseases in the districts and provinces of the kingdom.of Saudi Arabia
20-Assessment of the epidemiological status of the infectious diseases in the different localities of the kingdom.of Saudi Arabia
21-Participation in the Implementation and following up of the national programs for prevention and control of epidemic diseases in the kingdomof Saudi Arabia
22-Submission of contingency plan for control of anthrax disease in Saudi Arabia
23-Submission of an contingency plan for control of rift valley fever disease in Saudi Arabia
24-Submission of an contingency plan for control of FMD disease in Saudi Arabia
25-Submission of an early warning plan for control of epidemic diseases in Saudi Arabia.
26-Submission of an contingency plan for control of screw worm disease in Saudi Arabia
27-Submission of an contingency plan for control of tuberculosis disease in Saudi Arabia.
Scientific Activities of 2008
28-Following up the epidemiological reports received from the veterinary administrations and analyzing these reports in Saudi Arabia
29-Submission of an contingency plan for control of peste des petit ruminants (PPR) disease in Saudi Arabia.
Scientific Activities of 2006
30-A member of the Faculty crisis committee against Avian flu
Scientific Activities of 2004
31-Training of Lybian Veterinarians at the training centers at the Ministry of Agriculture in different Governorates and Regions of Lybia
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