Operations Research (OR) is concerned with
optimal decision making in, and modeling of,
deterministic and probabilistic systems that originate
from real life. These applications, which occur in
government, business, engineering, economics, and the
natural and social sciences, are characterized largely by
the need to allocate limited resources. The contribution
from OR stems primarily from :structuring the real-life
situation into a mathematical model, abstracting the
essential elements so that a solution relevant to the
decision maker's objectives can be sought. Almost any
problem can be reduced in the final analysis determine the
largest or smallest value of a function of several variables.
Since optimization is the collective process of finding the
set of conditions required to achieve the best result from a
given situation. Typical OR techniques include linear
and nonlinear programming, optimization models,
combinatorial optimization, multi-objective decision
making, and Markov analysis. Also, OR is often
associated with Management Sciences and Industrial
Engineering [1].
This paper presents the multi-objective optimization
model that uses a lot of objectives and constrains to
optimize the building of classes for illiteracy students in a
city. This paper generates a Multi-objective optimization
model to determine the optimal locations for building
classes for illiteracy in a city |